Quiz did not appear after viewing the video

Landing Page Forums Technical Support Quiz did not appear after viewing the video

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    • #3295

      After investing an hour watching “Problem Solving for Spanish Interpreters” I was unable to take the quiz because no link appeared afterwards. How can I take the quiz in order to get credit without watching the video again?

    • #3300

      We appologize for the inconvenience.

      Unfortunately issues like this are sometimes often beyond our control.

      If the quiz does not show after watching the video this usually a browser related issue which is usually limited to older versions of Internet Explorer.

      If this happens, first try refreshing the screen a few time immediately after watching the video. Pressing CTRL + F5 is even better.

      If after that it still does not show, try rewinding the video to a few minutes before the end and see if the quiz shows once it completes. If not, try refreshing again.

      If you watched using Internet Explorer version 10 or prior, then update it to version 11 or try a different browser. Microsoft no longer supports Internet Explorer and have now replaced it with a new browser called Edge that comes with Windows 10.

      I recommend using either Firefox or Chrome which are your best options. Both can be downloaded for free with a simple Google search.

      The last option is try a different computer. So that you do not have to re-watch the video again, you can just let the video play in the background with no volume while you do something else and wait for the quiz to show at the end.

      In almost 100% of the cases, and of the above have resolved the issue.

    • #3705

      Payed fir fideo says I done quiz already and no certificate

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