Michelle Scott, a Registered Nurse and interpreter trainer, discusses ways in which the medical interpreting profession can “catch up” with other healthcare professions.
Professional conferences offer an excellent opportunity to learn and network! It’s an exciting time to interact with old friends and make new ones. Presenters come from near and far to …Continue Reading
Interpreters can improve facilitation of communication for medical histories by understanding providers’ goals, communication styles, and different types of histories. Concepts presented by Michelle Scott, RN include the S.O.A.P. process, pain assessment, the 5 components of a medical history, communication techniques and styles, and patient reactions.
Yes, I’ve heard the reasons given by interpreters for not wanting or getting training, whether we’re talking core concepts or continuing education. Let me get this out of my system …Continue Reading
Physician Lucia Roncalli describes the delicate nature of medical exams for asylum seekers and the ways in which the interpreter can best support communication. Vicarious trauma, both during and following the encounter, and self-care are discussed. The corresponding glossary contains 25 terms.