Moving Toward a More Professional Interpreting Industry (FREE)

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Guest: Michelle Scott, RN
Length: 35 minutes
Cost: Free
Approved CEUs: ATA=0.000, CCHI=0.500, IMIA=0.000, WA-DSHS=0.000, RID=0.050 PS*
*Sign language interpreters requiring RID credit, must CLICK HERE to complete PINRA form BEFORE taking this activity.
Description: Michelle Scott, a Registered Nurse and interpreter trainer, discusses ways in which the medical interpreting profession can “catch up” with other healthcare professions. Topics include codes of ethics, association membership, continuing education and licensure. This topic was originally presented at the IMIA Annual Conference in Houston, TX.
  1. To be able to identify 3 organizations that have published professional codes of ethics for healthcare/medical interpreters.
  2. To be able to identify a minimum of 3 ways that professional associations might help their members.
  3. To understand the reasons that continuing education is critical for any professional working in the healthcare industry.
  4. To understand the how state licensure benefits certain health professions.

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13 thoughts on “Moving Toward a More Professional Interpreting Industry (FREE)

  1. The presentation was extremely useful. It is amazing to realize that there are so many aspects that need to be improved in the field of healthcare interpreting.
    The challenges are enormous, but worth trying.

  2. I personally love my job, and I am always for professional growth and development. I ‘ve been working in the field for 13 years. But jobs are so few now, (there was not enough for Russian language even before pandemic), that it seems very unreasonable to make certification manditory for the interpreters . It would force someone like me to look for another job. Just because there is not enough work out there and pay is too low to cover the expenses underlying certification process .

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