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Moving Toward a More Professional Interpreting Industry (FREE)

Michelle Scott, a Registered Nurse and interpreter trainer, discusses ways in which the medical interpreting profession can “catch up” with other healthcare professions.

Interpreter Training Using Technology for Distance Learning

Originally a medical conference interpreter in Brazil, trainer Marcelle Castro describes her academic research about using technology to train interpreters, often internationally. Her experience is applicable to the field of medical interpreter training, as she describes considerations for learning styles, trainer adaptations and various resources (software, hardware and web based).

“I don’t need a trained medical interpreter, just send a warm body!” – Part 3 of 3

“Send a Dinka interpreter right away. I don’t care if they’re trained, I just need a warm body!” Believe it or not, this was an actual request to our language agency by a hospital nurse administrator ten years ago. If you are a language agency owner or an interpreting services coordinator who has cringed at   …Continue Reading

Medical Interpreting for Refugees: Research from New Zealand (FREE)

As a professional nurse and medical interpreter, author Ineke Crezee describes results of research exploring vicarious trauma experienced by interpreters working with refugees. Concepts are applicable to interpreters working with refugees in any country.

Medical Interpreters as Patient Navigators: Exploring the Intersection of Two Roles

This video with physician and researcher Juan Gutierrez-Sanin explores an emerging, research-based model for patient navigators, by training medical interpreters using a specialized curriculum.

The Willie Ramirez Case Study: Failed Communication and Tragic Results (FREE)

Through a conversation about the historic Willie Ramirez malpractice case study with researcher and author Gail Price-Wise, interpreters and healthcare providers can learn about ways to improve communication and cultural competency.

Professionalism in Medical Interpreting

Interpreting Professor Therese Mirande reviews the requirements of professional medical interpreting, including training and adherence to a professional code of ethics, and guides interpreters in using critical thinking to put theory about the four traditional roles into practice.

Sample of one of Voices Academt real content posts with long video

This video explores an emerging, research-based model for patient navigators, by training medical interpreters using a specialized curriculum.

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