Advocacy and Accommodation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patients (FREE)

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Guest: Shane Feldman, Executive DirectorRegistry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
Length: 53 minutes
Cost: Free
Approved CEUs: ATA=1.000, CCHI=1.000, IMIA=0.000, WA-DSHS=0.000, RID=0.100 PS*
*Sign language interpreters requiring RID credit, must CLICK HERE to complete PINRA form BEFORE taking this activity.
Description: This interview explores topics related to providing adequate healthcare services to Deaf patients, including an explanation ASL certification and a comparison of live versus video remote interpreters.
  1. To learn about variations in sign language skills among Deaf patients.
  2. To recognize the value of the interpreter's role in assuring adequate communication between the provider and the patient.
  3. To understand trends in accommodation technology for Deaf patients, such as TTY, VRI, and VRS.

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12 thoughts on “Advocacy and Accommodation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patients (FREE)

  1. The information in this video was great. My only concern is that the streaming of the video was a slow, so it was a little hard to follow the signing. I am not sure if that is due to my computer or the website. I will however watch it again and recommend that my colleagues do the same.

    • Thanks for your feedback, Kelly! We’re glad that you enjoyed this video. Note that you can easily share it with colleagues by clicking on the appropriate social networking icon. It is most likely that the slow streaming is indeed due to internet speed; this video performs better on high-speed connections, rather than on low-speed or shared connections (e.g., public Wi-Fi). ~ Michelle, VoicesACADEMY

  2. Great information, thank you. Glad that RID is moving forward towards Med Certification. Do you know if they have made any progress yet? The CDI was new info for me- fascinating. You can tell I’m from a small town- we haven’t seen any CDI at work.

  3. I’m new to VoicesACADEMY so please excuse me if I am missing something on the website….
    1. I do not see a way to open closed caption.
    2. Also, it would be good to see the interpreter sign; I only saw the guest speaker signing and heard the interpreter.
    Perhaps I just wasn’t seeing how to access that. Please let me know.
    Thank you,

    • Thanks for your inquiry and feedback, Melissa! We use a customized, proprietary video player (rather than YouTube or Vimeo), so closed-captioning is not available. We realize that this can be a limitation for CDIs. We are in communication with an organization to start adding subtitles to the videos. In the meantime, we will be happy to make transcripts available. With regard to the interpreters, they did not want to be on camera at all unfortunately. For future videos with sign language interpreters, we will be sure to address this issue and have them on-screen.

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