Dynamics of Communication in Mental Health – Part 1


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Guest: Susan Potts, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Length: 43 minutes
Cost: $11.00 with "Basic" Membership  / Included with "Pro" Membership
Approved CEUs: ATA=1.000, CCHI=0.750, IMIA=0.075, WA-DSHS=0.000, RID=0.075 PS*
*Sign language interpreters requiring RID credit, must CLICK HERE to complete PINRA form BEFORE taking this activity.
Description: This video is the first part of an interview with our guest Susan Potts, PhD who has over 30 years experience as a clinical psychologist. It covers the goals of counseling in an outpatient setting, as well as ways that interpreters can prepare for facilitating communication in emotionally-charged encounters. Mental health terminology is discussed and also available in the online companion glossary. Dr. Susan Potts is a licensed clinical psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice in Laguna Hills, California. She has operated her practice since 1984.
  1. To understand the goals of a psychologist and how these differ from the clinican's goals in a medical setting.
  2. To recognize ways that the interpreter either facilitates or hinders communication between the clinician and client.
  3. To learn common, specialized terminology for counseling encounters.

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3 thoughts on “Dynamics of Communication in Mental Health – Part 1

  1. I really enjoyed the video. I know it seems like a simple thing but when the therapist talked about how the situation isn’t our problem, that we are there to facilitate but that it is also normal to sometimes have emotions about a topic, that really sank in my head.

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