Professionalism in Medical Interpreting


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Guest: Therese Mirande, Professor / Pierce College
Length: 47 minutes
Cost: $11.00 with "Basic" Membership  / Included with "Pro" Membership
Approved CEUs: ATA=0.000, CCHI=0.500, IMIA=0.000, WA-DSHS=0.000, RID=0.000
Description: As a leader in the development and evolution of the NCIHC Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and a certified interpreter, Professor Therese Mirande reviews core concepts and provides examples to encourage critical thinking skills for the implementation of the four traditional roles of a professional medical interpreter.
  1. To review the requirements of professional medical interpreting.
  2. To understand how to put theory about the four traditional roles of a medical interpreter into practice.
  3. To recognize emerging trends in professional medical interpreting.

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11 thoughts on “Professionalism in Medical Interpreting

  1. The first half of the video when the guest just speaks it seems to be more of an ad for her course than an actual lesson, it is all over the place and seems to have no real purpose or direction. The second half, once the host begins asking questions is much more focused and in my opinion useful.

    • Thanks for your feedback, John! Professor Mirande has been instrumental in the development of the NCIHC Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, as well as other activities to advance the medical interpreting profession. We felt that it was useful to establish her expertise in this field as well as to help novice interpreters understand a historical perspective about the NCIHC, etc. While she does teach classes, the video is not intended to promote nor endorse them.

  2. It was an interesting discussion, helped to have additional ideas and aspects about health care interpreting. As I had good history as interpreter, I see most of the points that she mentioned are realistic. Thanks.

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